the endless expanse

this is my least favourite time of year because there is basically nothing to look forward to. We don’t even have any work holidays until Memorial Day in MARCH. They don’t even give us Good Friday off for Easter bruh. It’s just an endless sea of work ahead of me.

We did finish booking our Disney trip, finally. So all hotel stays booked (did a split stay, more on that in a sec), tickets bought, now just need to book dining and kevin’s lightsaber build.

So we booked half our trip through a group res which gave us a decent discount, but it was available for the full week. So we waited to see if the Spring room discounts would help. They dropped last week, had to sit in a waiting room for an hour before I could even see anything. Was really hoping to move us to a deluxe for the rest of the trip as a treat for Kev but they were still too expensive. So we booked a moderate instead. BUT there’s a problem, it’s only booked for 2 people instead of 3. Chase was also on his computer at work looking and he said he saw a res available and I was like get it! And then afterwards we realized we booked for 2 instead of 3. I went in to try to change it and that bumps the price back up to the normal price which adds over $150 to the trip. I know that’s probably an occupancy deal but it’s also just annoying considering it’s the exact same room with 2 beds. So just gotta figure that out later.

Ash was at WDW all this past week so I was living vicariously through her and my brain is like 100% in disney mode.

I was really lazy this whole weekend. We ran around and delivered belated Christmas presents, and put all the Christmas decor away, and that’s kinda it. I cleaned out the holiday closet a bit and started trying to clean up Kevin’s room but that’ll stretch for the rest of the week. And I slept a lot. And last night Chase and I watched Jojo Rabbit after dinner, we’d both wanted to see it and we both liked it a lot, though I wasn’t prepared for it to be so sad. Guess I should’ve known better considering the subject.

My Utena shoes arrived last week!

Luna enjoyed the box.

She liked it so much I eventually brought it downstairs and now it’s sitting in the living room.

Worked on the shoes most of last week.

Made a basic cover. Really glad I went with stretch velvet for the jacket because it made covering the shoes in matching fabric way easier.

Heel extension

I just BARELY had enough of this fabric left for the spats. It’s leftover from Anne Boleyn from 2014, I used what was left for the cuffs, pockets and the spats, and it’s now officially all gone.

At this point of having the spats pinned on, I tried the shoes on and realized I’d made them too tight and couldn’t get my foot in. I’d sewn the front flaps closed originally, thinking that was wide enough. So I had to open up the blue velvet cover and expand them out a bit. Thankfully my velvet cover and the spats still worked.

Everything sewn back into place and bows added. I think they might be a little chunky but this fabric is such a pain to work with I’m leaving them.

All that’s left is adding the thin white ribbon along the bottom edge. It’s pinned on and I intended to do it yesterday but didn’t go in my sewing room at all.

Test fit for marking the closures. Put my shorts socks and shoes on too. I forgot to double check the placement of the faux pockets while I had it on, so I’ll have to do that later. Still haven’t actually sewn the snap tape ON but it’s at least marked and pinned. Prob do that tonight.

Random Lunas

Anyway back to Utena – Chase tweaked some of the 3d prints this weekend and we should be able to do a final print this week. I’m thinking I may be totally done by this weekend except the sword. Wig arrives tomorrow, I plan to style it this week. Gonna be trying something new (crimping to create fluff) so fingers crossed.

After Utena I’m going to pivot to 2 projects — my new Disneybound Leia, which I think will be a fairly quick build, and Lady Jessica. I would really love to be done with both by early April, then move on to Padme and whatever else I do for Dragoncon for the summer. We’ll see, at the moment I’m not feeling much get-up-and-go.